Building Faith Through Family: Discipling as an Uncle

The Unexpected Calling of Discipling as an Uncle
Becoming an uncle has always been a role I’ve embraced with love and responsibility. However, it wasn’t until the death of my wife, Wendy, in April 2024, that I truly understood the depth of my calling. Her passing opened my eyes to the profound responsibility I had as an uncle. Losing Wendy to pancreatic cancer was the hardest thing I’ve ever faced. Through that heartbreak, I realized the profound influence my nieces and nephews could have on my life. I also understood the importance of the role I now had to play. Discipling as an uncle became something I was not only called to do but something that provided meaning and purpose in the midst of my grief.

Wendy’s Legacy of Love
Wendy was always the one to lead the way. She loved our nieces and nephews deeply, starting with simple things like her craft room where they would create together. This bond grew stronger as they started attending church with us. Wendy would always ask them what they had learned in Sunday school, guiding their conversations toward spiritual matters and investing in their faith. It was through her love that they began to understand God’s Word.
But when Wendy passed, I was left to continue what she had started. The presence of my niece and nephews has become a source of strength for me. They have blessed me beyond words. I pray that I’ve been able to be a blessing to them as well.

The Role of Discipling as an Uncle
This blog series reflects my journey as I step into the role of spiritual guide and mentor. I am learning how to lead my niece and nephews in their faith. It’s about the lessons I’ve learned as I strive to always point them toward Jesus in everything we do. Whether through the simple rituals of life, such as sharing a meal after church, or through fun and relaxed activities like movie nights and sports, I’ve discovered many opportunities to disciple them. These moments allow me to guide them in their faith in countless ways.
Here’s what you can expect in this series:
- The Biblical Call to Discipling as an Uncle: Exploring the scriptural foundation for aunts, uncles, and other extended family members as mentors in the faith, drawing from passages like Deuteronomy 6 and Titus 2.
- Blessed by Their Presence: Reflecting on how being with my nieces and nephews has enriched my life, deepened my faith, and brought joy.
- The Sacred Roles of Aunts and Uncles in Discipleship: the practical ways we can embrace the roles of aunts and uncles in discipleship.
- The Power of Presence in Discipling as an Uncle: How simply being present in their lives has laid a foundation of trust, love, and spiritual growth.
- Lunch after Church: A Time for Spiritual Conversations: Discussing how our post-church lunches have become a valuable time for reflection and faith-building discussions.
- The Little Things Matter: Emphasizing that everyday moments—like chatting in the car or sharing a laugh—can serve as opportunities to plant seeds of faith.
- The Joy Of Discipling Nieces and Nephews: How shared interests in sports have opened the door for relationship-building and spiritual mentoring.
- An Uncle’s Prayer: Epilogue to this Series: My prayer for their life, spiritual growth, guidance, and the hope that they will continue to grow in their love for the Lord.

A New Chapter of Discipleship
I look forward to the future with my nieces and nephews, filled with gratitude. I’m grateful for the opportunity to mentor and disciple them. I hope this series allows me to share what I’ve learned. My goal is to encourage others to be present and intentional with the children in their lives. Discipleship doesn’t always come from grand gestures; often, it’s in the small moments that the seeds of faith are planted. My goal is to help them grow closer to God. Through this journey, I’ve learned to lean on Him, and I hope to guide them in the same way.
Series Poems
I used Poems to help promote my blog on Social Media. I particularly proud of these poems about my niece and two nephews. Please check them out!
- The Blessings of an Uncle’s Heart
- A Tribute to My Three Blessings
- Faith Flows in the Creek
- The Youngest Nephew’s Charm
- The Bulletin Boy and His Biggest Fan
- A Niece Like No Other
- Pancakes on a Stick and Sunday Shenanigans
- Riding With Wendy’s Spirit
- Cheering Together: A Bond Unbroken
- Saved by a Call, Bless by Her Love
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