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A journey of growth through selfless love and humility.

Growing in Love and Humility

Growing in Love and Humility: Reflecting Christ in Our Relationships

Introduction to Growing in Love and Humility

In our previous discussion, we explored Practicing Spiritual Disciplines and how it lays the foundation for a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. By practicing disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and Bible meditation, we position ourselves to hear from God and grow spiritually. As we nurture these disciplines, we’re not only transformed inwardly but are also called to reflect Christ outwardly. One of the key ways we do this is by growing in love and humility.

Growing in love and humility isn’t about achieving perfection, but about making a conscious choice to reflect Christ’s character in all we do. In this part of our series, we’ll dive into what it means to live with genuine love and humility in our relationships and daily interactions.

Two people on a park bench, one listening attentively to the other.
Love and humility through active listening and empathy.

Understanding Love and Humility

The Bible provides us with a clear picture of the love and humility God calls us to embrace. Jesus didn’t just preach these values; He lived them out.

In John 13:34-35 (NLT), Jesus says:

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

Here, Jesus sets the standard for love—not just an emotion, but a sacrificial, self-giving action. This love isn’t reserved for family and friends but extends to everyone we encounter, even those who are difficult to love.

Humility is the posture that makes love possible. The Apostle Paul instructs us in Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT):

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

Embracing Christlike Love

Christlike love requires more than good intentions; it calls for active engagement and compassion. Jesus demonstrated this love throughout His ministry. He washed the feet of His disciples, touched and healed the sick, and showed kindness to those who were despised by society. His love was practical, tangible, and unconditional.

Here are some ways you can cultivate Christlike love:

  • Actively Listen: Make an effort to listen more and talk less. Sometimes, the greatest act of love is to listen without judgment or interruption.
  • Serve with a Willing Heart: Look for small and simple ways to serve others. It could be offering a word of encouragement, helping a neighbor, or volunteering at church.
  • Forgive Quickly: Love doesn’t hold on to grudges. Let go of past hurts and forgive as Christ forgave you
Person giving food to a homeless individual on a city sidewalk.
Living with humility through selfless acts of kindness.

Living with Humility

Humility is the soil where love grows. It involves lowering ourselves to elevate others, not out of self-deprecation, but out of a heart aligned with God’s values. Humility frees us from the need to be right or to seek recognition.

Here’s how to grow in humility:

  • Value Others Above Yourself: Make a habit of looking for opportunities to honor others. Whether it’s acknowledging someone’s effort or deferring your preferences for the sake of unity, practice putting others first.
  • Admit Your Mistakes: Humility involves admitting when you’re wrong and seeking forgiveness. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to confess your shortcomings.
  • Serve Without Expecting Anything in Return: True humility serves without seeking praise or recognition. Jesus reminds us that our reward is with the Father who sees what is done in secret.
Person helping an elderly neighbor carry groceries up stairs in a suburban setting."
Making love and humility a lifestyle through simple acts of kindness.

Making Love and Humility a Lifestyle

To grow in love and humility, here’s a step-by-step plan to help you put this into practice:

  1. Self-Examination: Take time each day to reflect on your interactions. Were they motivated by love and humility? Ask God to reveal any pride or selfishness in your heart.
  2. Prayer: Pray for a heart like Christ’s. Ask God to fill you with love and compassion for those around you and to help you see others as He sees them.
  3. Service: Actively look for ways to serve others in your family, workplace, or community. It doesn’t have to be grand; sometimes, the simplest acts of kindness speak the loudest.
Person climbing a rocky hill with determination under a cloudy sky with rays of sunlight.
Personal perseverance through challenges and obstacles.

Part 6: Persevering Through Trials

Next, we’ll be diving into Part 6: Persevering Through Trials. Life is full of challenges, but God uses these moments to grow our faith and character. As we practice love and humility, we’ll discover that these traits become even more essential when facing trials. Join us as we explore how to trust God during difficult times and experience spiritual growth through perseverance.


Growing in love and humility is a lifelong journey that requires intentionality and reliance on God. As we reflect Christ’s love and humility in our relationships, we become living testimonies of God’s transformative work in us. Take one step this week to practice selfless love or humble service and watch how God uses it to draw you closer to Him and bless those around you.

Remember, this journey isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. Each act of love and humility, no matter how small, reflects Christ to a watching world.

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