Disciple Blueprint Poems
Welcome to the Poems page, a collection of heartfelt and thought-provoking verses that accompany the Difference Series on Disciple Blueprint. Here, you’ll find poems that explore the profound truths of faith, the beauty of discipleship, and the everyday struggles and joys of walking with Christ. Each poem is crafted to inspire, challenge, and encourage you in your spiritual journey, offering a creative lens through which to reflect on God’s love, grace, and calling in your life. Dive in, and let these words of faith and reflection speak to your heart.
Breaking the Chains of Inadequacy
- Breaking the Chains of Inadequacy
- The Lies We Believe
- The Gift of Grace
- The Illusion of Worth
- The Weight of Approval
- From Rejection to Restoration
- The Mirror of Truth
- Through God’s Eyes
- Faithful Not Flawless
- Living Loved Everyday
- From Brokenness to Beloved
Christmas Poems
- Elf on the Shelf Goes to Bethlehem
- Twas the Night Santa Learned the Truth
- The Day after Christmas: A Festive Mess
Fellowship Poems
- The Joy of Fellowship
- Fellowship’s Embrace
- Love in Action
- Burdened Together, Blessed Together
- The Gift of Prayer
- Encouragement Gone Wrong (And Right!)
- Life on the Porch: Where Fellowship Grows
- Accountability Oh Brother!
- Lost in Leviticus, Found in Fellowship
God’s Sense of Humor
- Holy LOLs!
- Samson: The OG Gym Bro
- Whoops! That Wasn’t A Snack
- Jacob’s Twisted Tent Tale
- Sweet Wins Every Time!
- Elisha’s Bear-y Bad Day
Grief Series Poems
- In the Quiet of Grief
- Why Jesus Wept
- Through the Darkness to Light
- Through the Storm, He Holds Me
- In Comfort, We Find Strength
- Eternal Hope: A Poem of Faith and Healing
- Hope in the Resurrection
- Purpose in the Pain
Leading Like Jesus
- Leading Like Christ (Without Tripping)
- The Path of a Servant Leader
- Walking in His Footprint: Leading Like Jesus
- Leaning on His Strength
- Passing the Torch of Faith
- Lift Them Up: A Call to Encourage
- Walking in Truth and Light
- Fearless in Faith: The Call to Lead
- Through the Fire, I Press On
Nature of God
Sharing Christ Poems
- The Call to Battle: A Mission for Christ
- 6 Ways to Share Christ
- The Call to Proclaim
- Testimony Time: A Time to Share
- Love Thy Neighbor: A Fenceline Tale
- Praying Boldly for Connections
- Living as a Witness
- Faith Over Fear
- The Ripple of Discipleship
Uncle Series Poems
- The Blessings of an Uncle’s Heart
- A Tribute to My Three Blessings
- Faith Flows in the Creek
- The Youngest Nephew’s Charm
- The Bulletin Boy and His Biggest Fan
- A Niece Like No Other
- Pancakes on a Stick and Sunday Shenanigans
- Riding With Wendy’s Spirit
- Cheering Together: A Bond Unbroken
- Saved by a Call, Bless by Her Love