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Finding God in Everyday Life – A moment of peace and reflection in daily surroundings.

Knowing God: The Foundation of Our Faith

Knowing God: The Foundation of Our Faith

When I was four years old, my father passed away. Growing up without a father figure shaped my life in ways I didn’t fully understand at the time. It slowed my maturity because I had no example of what a father-son relationship should be. I didn’t know how a father teaches, guides, disciplines, and loves his child. Without that foundation, I struggled to grasp what it meant to have a loving, personal relationship with God as my Heavenly Father.

Many of us carry misconceptions about God, shaped by our upbringing, experiences, or even cultural influences. Some see Him as distant and uninvolved, others as harsh and unforgiving. But to follow Christ fully, we must have the right perspective on who God truly is. That’s why this series is so important—we need to know God as He reveals Himself, not just as we imagine Him to be.

 breathtaking sunrise over majestic mountains, with golden rays of light breaking through the clouds, symbolizing the presence of God in nature.
God’s Presence – A Glorious Sunrise Over Creation.

Why Knowing God Matters

It’s one thing to believe in God—it’s another to truly know Him. Scripture makes it clear that knowing God is the foundation of our faith:

  • “This is what the Lord says: Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.”Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NLT)

Knowing God shapes how we view the world, how we pray, how we handle trials, and how we live out our faith. A right understanding of God brings peace in uncertainty, confidence in prayer, and strength in adversity.

A silhouette of a person walking on a winding path toward a radiant light in the sky, symbolizing a spiritual journey toward knowing God.
Journey to Knowing God – Walking Toward the Light of Truth.

How God Reveals Himself

God doesn’t leave us guessing about who He is. He reveals Himself in several ways:

  • Through Creation“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”Romans 1:20 (NLT)
  • Through His Word – The Bible is God’s direct revelation of His nature, character, and will. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.”2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)
  • Through Jesus Christ – Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!”John 14:9 (NLT)
  • Through the Holy Spirit – The Spirit guides us into truth and deepens our understanding of God. “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.”John 16:13 (NLT)
A father holding a child’s hand while walking on a scenic path, bathed in warm golden light, symbolizing the loving relationship between God and His children.
God, Our Heavenly Father – Walking in His Love and Guidance.

What This Series Will Cover

This series is divided into three key parts to help us understand and grow in our relationship with God:

The Nature of God (Who God is at His core)

  1. The Existence of God: Why We Believe
  2. The Attributes of God: His Power, Presence, and Knowledge
  3. The Trinity: Understanding Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  4. The Holiness of God: Set Apart in Glory

The Character of God (How His attributes impact us)

  1. The Love of God: His Deep Affection for Us
  2. The Justice of God: Righteous and Fair
  3. The Sovereignty of God: In Control of All Things
  4. The Grace and Mercy of God: The Heart of Redemption
  5. The Faithfulness of God: Unchanging Promises

Walking with God (How we relate to Him daily)

  1. The Will of God: How to Know and Follow It
  2. Worshiping God: Honoring Him in Spirit and Truth
  3. Walking with God Daily: Trusting Him in Every Season
  4. Knowing God Personally: A Lifelong Journey

Each post in this series will take a deep dive into these themes, helping us move beyond just believing in God to truly knowing Him.

A lone figure stands on a hill, gazing at a vast star-filled night sky, symbolizing the mystery and unknowable depth of God.
The Mystery of God – Gazing Into the Infinite.

Join the Journey

I invite you to walk with me through this series. Let’s deepen our understanding of God, correct any misconceptions we may have, and grow in our relationship with Him.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to be part of this journey in three ways:

  1. Follow along with the series – Each week, we’ll explore another aspect of who God is.
  2. Engage in the conversation – Share your thoughts, questions, and insights in the comments. Let’s learn from each other.
  3. Help us grow – If this series is meaningful to you, consider sharing it with others and joining our monthly newsletter to stay updated on new posts and resources.
  4. Follow, Share and Like our Facebook Page:
  5. Read our Other Blogs:

Let’s embark on this journey together—because knowing God changes everything.

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