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When we are weak, He is strong—find rest in God’s presence.

Relying on God for Strength and Wisdom: Leading Like Christ

Relying on God for Strength and Wisdom: Leading Like Christ

Leadership is not about having all the answers or relying on our own ability to succeed. It’s about recognizing that true strength comes from God and wisdom is found in Him alone. So let’s look at relying on God’s strength and wisdom!

In Part 1, we talked about leading by example—showing humility, love, and faith in our daily lives. But we can’t lead effectively on our own. Even the greatest leaders in the Bible had to rely on God’s power and direction rather than their own abilities.

As we explore how to lead like Christ, we must first understand that Jesus Himself modeled complete dependence on the Father. If Jesus—who was perfect—trusted in God’s strength and wisdom, how much more should we?

A road sign at a crossroads with arrows pointing in different directions. One arrow says “My Way,” and another says “God’s Way.” The background features a long, open road with a bright sky.
Every choice we make leads somewhere—will you follow God’s way?

Human Strength is Limited

📖 Isaiah 40:29“He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.”

No matter how talented, intelligent, or strong we may be, we all have limitations. We experience exhaustion, doubt, and moments of uncertainty. The truth is, we were never meant to do everything on our own.

Biblical Examples of Leadership Limitations

  • Moses – Felt inadequate to lead the Israelites and pleaded with God to send someone else (Exodus 4:10-13).
  • Gideon – Thought he was too weak and insignificant to deliver Israel (Judges 6:15).
  • Paul – Faced weakness and hardship but declared that God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

When we attempt to lead without God, we risk burnout, poor decisions, and frustration. True leadership begins with admitting that we need God’s help.

🙌 Reflection: Have you been trying to lead in your own strength? What areas of your life feel overwhelming because you’re relying on yourself instead of God?

A pair of hands holding an open Bible turned to James 1:5, with soft sunlight shining on the pages, symbolizing seeking God’s wisdom.
if you need wisdom, ask God—He gives generously.

God’s Strength is Sufficient

📖 2 Corinthians 12:9“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

God doesn’t call us to lead in our own strength—He invites us to rely on His power. Paul understood this well when he spoke of his struggles. Instead of asking God to remove his weakness, he embraced it because it allowed God’s strength to shine through.

A majestic eagle soars high above the clouds with its wings fully extended, illuminated by sunlight, symbolizing strength, renewal, and reliance on God’s power.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

What Happens When We Rely on God?

  • We gain supernatural strength. God empowers us when we surrender our weaknesses to Him.
  • We find peace in the process. Instead of stressing over what we can’t control, we rest in His sovereignty.
  • We become better leaders. When people see us trusting God in hard times, it encourages them to do the same.

🌿 Personal Reflection: Have you ever faced a moment where you felt completely incapable, but God provided the strength you needed?

Seeking God’s Wisdom in Leadership

📖 James 1:5“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.”

Leadership requires wisdom—but not worldly wisdom, God’s wisdom. The decisions we make impact others, and without God’s guidance, we risk leading people in the wrong direction.

The Difference Between Earthly and Godly Wisdom

🔹 Earthly Wisdom – Focuses on personal gain, pride, and self-reliance (James 3:15).

🔹 Godly Wisdom – Leads with humility, integrity, and a heart for others (James 3:17).

💡 Practical Ways to Seek God’s Wisdom:

  • Start your day with prayer. Ask for God’s direction before making decisions.
  • Read Scripture for guidance. The Bible is filled with wisdom for leadership.
  • Surround yourself with godly counsel. Seek advice from mature believers who also rely on God’s wisdom.

🙌 Reflection: Where in your life do you need God’s wisdom right now? Are you seeking His guidance or trying to figure things out on your own?

A determined person climbs a steep mountain while a guide reaches out to help. The climber looks exhausted but keeps moving upward, with a sunrise over the peaks in the background.
With God’s strength, every climb becomes possible.

Practical Ways to Rely on God’s Strength and Wisdom

It’s easy to say we trust God, but how do we actually live it out?

Practical Steps to Surrender Control to God:

  • Pray before taking action. Make it a habit to pause and ask God for direction before making decisions.
  • Memorize scripture about God’s power. Let His Word strengthen you in moments of doubt.
  • Surrender anxiety to Him. When you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that God is in control.
  • Encourage others to trust in God. As you lead, point people back to the One who gives true wisdom and strength.

🕊 Leading like Christ isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about knowing where to turn for them.

The Greatest Example: Jesus

📖 John 5:19“The Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father doing.”

Even Jesus—the Son of God—relied completely on the Father. He never acted outside of God’s will. He prayed before making decisions, spent time alone with God, and modeled total dependence on the Father.

If Jesus, who was perfect, needed God’s strength and wisdom, how much more do we?

🙌 Reflection: Are you leading in a way that reflects Jesus’ trust in the Father?

Other Posts in this Series:

Conclusion & Call to Action

Leading like Christ is not about relying on our own abilities—it’s about surrendering to God’s strength and wisdom.

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