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Lifting our hearts in prayer, we find peace and strength in God’s presence.

The Importance of Prayer: How It Transforms Your Life

Person kneeling in a quiet room with hands clasped in prayer, head bowed. An open Bible and a candle are nearby, creating a contemplative atmosphere.

The Importance of Prayer: How It Transforms Our Lives

There are three things you never want to hear: “There’s no discernible brain activity,” “Today is your last day to work here,” and “It’s stage 4 pancreatic cancer.” Unfortunately, I’ve heard all three. Each one brought me to my knees in prayer. Two of those moments were filled with anger toward God, but being fired tested my faith in front of those who I had worked with that reached out to me. These situations taught me the importance of prayer.

Prayer is Personal

Prayer is our way to communicate with God. It’s personal, and sometimes it can be frustrating, especially when you’re searching for answers. But in difficult moments, it may be all we have.

Let me share my story.

My Sister’s Passing

My oldest sister, Saundra, was thrown from a horse, hitting her head on a steel bumper. After three weeks in the hospital, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to remove her from life support. I was angry—angry at God for not taking her immediately and making my family suffer with living at the hospital, clinging to hope. I lashed out to God in the hospital chapel, but when I finally quieted myself, the Holy Spirit revealed that my family wasn’t ready to lose her yet. Prayer gave me clarity, that’s the importance of prayer.

Getting Fired

Another time, I was the Chief Technology Officer at a large beauty supply company when I was unexpectedly fired. As I sat in my car, I prayed, “God, what do I do now?” The Holy Spirit reminded me that for years, I had professed my faith, and now people were watching to see how I would respond. Prayer reminded me that God was still in control and gave me the peace I needed to move forward with faith.

Losing My Wife

Most recently, my wife of 32 years was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She passed away on April 2, 2024. I was devastated and cried out, “It’s not fair!” She was the godliest person I knew. But once again, in the stillness, the Holy Spirit asked me, “What if Jesus had that same attitude when He died on the cross, it’s not fair?” At that moment, I realized my prayer for her healing had been answered—just not in the way I expected. She was healed in Heaven, free from pain. In that stillness, prayer provided comfort and helped me to see God’s greater purpose, even in my deepest sorrow.

A person sitting quietly with hands open in a gesture of surrender, facing a window with soft light streaming in. An open Bible is on a nearby table.

Why Do We Pray?

The simple answer is that we follow the example of Jesus. He prayed often, and as His disciples, we are called to do the same. Prayer is also instinctual. Even non-Christians tend to pray in moments of deep need, which is why you often hear, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”

Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 explains that the purpose of prayer is to experience God’s peace. The passage states, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Prayer serves to bring our concerns, fears, and anxieties before God, allowing us to receive His peace in return. This peace does not necessarily mean that our circumstances will change immediately, but it changes us, offering reassurance and calm in the midst of life’s challenges. By praying, we invite God to be present in our struggles and to guard our hearts and minds. That’s the importance of prayer.

When Do We Pray

The instruction in Philippians 4:6 is clear: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” This encourages us to pray in all circumstances, especially when faced with worry or stress. The call to pray “about everything” indicates that no concern is too small or too big for God. We should not reserve prayer for only critical moments but integrate it into every aspect of our lives. Whether in moments of joy, sadness, uncertainty, or gratitude, prayer should be our response to every situation.

How Do I Pray?

Prayer is simply a conversation with God, and it’s a two-way street. You don’t need a formula or a plan—sometimes, a simple “Lord, help!” is enough. Jesus gave us a model in Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT), which we call the Lord’s Prayer:

“Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation but rescue us from the evil one.”

In this prayer, we see adoration, confession, and requests for God’s provision which are supplications. In Philippians 4:6, it says to give thanks. There is a prayer model that helps with this called the ACTS method. I didn’t create it but I’ve written about the ACTS Prayer Method, which stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. It’s a structured way to approach prayer if you’re looking for guidance. My wife followed this model daily for years.

A person sitting quietly in a peaceful forest, eyes closed and head tilted slightly, as if listening. Soft light filters through the trees.

How Can I Hear God?

God may not speak audibly, but He still speaks if we listen. The Holy Spirit prompts us, and Scripture guides us. Psalm 46:10a reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God!” Sometimes, we need to quiet ourselves to hear God’s gentle whisper, as in 1 Kings 19:12b: “After the fire, there was a gentle whisper.” When you pray, set aside some time to listen. It is in the quiet that the Holy Spirit can direct you.

Conclusion – The Importance of Prayer

Prayer is deeply personal. It’s how we communicate with God, express our needs, and receive His peace. We pray because Jesus prayed and because we are invited to bring everything to Him—whether big or small. In life’s hardest moments, prayer has been my lifeline, bringing clarity, peace, and the reassurance that God is with me.

Becoming a disciple of Christ means developing a consistent prayer life. Prayer is more than just a ritual—it’s our direct connection to the Creator, and it’s through prayer that we grow closer to Him. As we grow in our faith, prayer becomes the way we align our hearts with God’s will, seek His guidance, and receive His peace.

As Charles Spurgeon said, “True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that—it is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.”

A person writing in a prayer journal at a wooden table with a cup of coffee nearby. The scene is softly lit, creating a warm atmosphere.
Take on prayer challenges to deepen your commitment and experience the power of consistent prayer.

Prayer Challenges

Here are a few challenges to help you kick-start your prayer life and experience the importance of prayer!

1. 7-Day Prayer Challenge

  • Goal: Commit to praying every day for the next week.
  • Instructions: Set aside five minutes each morning or evening to pray. Use this time to thank God for the day, share your concerns, and ask for guidance. Reflect on how incorporating prayer changes your mindset and mood throughout the day.

2. Pray for Others Challenge

  • Goal: Make prayer about serving others.
  • Instructions: Each day for a week, choose one person to pray for. Reach out to them and ask if they have any specific prayer requests. Let them know you’re praying for them, and follow up at the end of the week to see how they are doing.

3. Gratitude Prayer Challenge

  • Goal: Focus on thankfulness through prayer.
  • Instructions: For the next 30 days, start your prayer time by thanking God for three things in your life. They can be big or small, but make them different each day. This helps develop a heart of gratitude and shifts your focus to God’s blessings.

4. Prayer Walk Challenge

  • Goal: Combine prayer with movement.
  • Instructions: Go for a walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park once a week and use the time to pray. Focus on specific topics such as family, friends, your community, or personal growth while you walk.

5. The ACTS Prayer Model Challenge

  • Goal: Use the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) to structure your prayers.
  • Instructions: For the next two weeks, spend a few minutes each day using this format:
    1. Adoration: Praise God for who He is.
    2. Confession: Admit any wrongdoings and seek forgiveness.
    3. Thanksgiving: Thank God for His blessings.
    4. Supplication: Present your requests to God.
  • Reflection: At the end of two weeks, note how using this structured approach has impacted your prayer life.
  • Worksheet:

6. Pray Before Meals Challenge

  • Goal: Establish a habit of daily prayer.
  • Instructions: Make it a point to pray before every meal for one month. Take a moment to express gratitude for the food and ask God to bless it. Use this routine to remember God’s provision and presence in your daily life.

A person working at a desk with a laptop, writing a social media post or newsletter. Nearby are a smartphone, notebook, and coffee cup, symbolizing digital communication.


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